F16C Cold Startup Kneeboard
I created this to help me get my F16 started quickly and easily.
Please feel free to comment anything I may have forgotten.
I based it on the Grim Reaper cold startup video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2yRoAOFqLU
Extract contents to C:\Users\Your User Name\Saved Games\DCS\Kneeboard
You should have a directory that looks like this:
C:\Users\Your User Name\Saved Games\DCS\Kneeboard\F-16C_50
This folder should contain all 5 pages
For the open beta:
Extract contents to C:\Users\Your User Name\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Kneeboard
You should have a directory that looks like this:
C:\Users\Your User Name\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Kneeboard\F-16C_50
This folder should contain all 5 pages