F-16C : Israeli Air Force 109th Squadron (The Valley) - 074

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F-16C : Israeli Air Force 109th Squadron (The Valley) - 074

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - GFXNever
Date - 10/09/2019 21:07:47
Israeli Air Force 109th squadron F-16C skin

UPDATE: Fixed skewed labels on the outside panel to the right side of the cockpit

Somewhat realistic livery I made for the F-16C.
The real aircraft is of the F-16D variant - I noticed that too late :(

First skin I ever made for DCS plus the fact we don't have a template yet makes it not the best.

Credit goes for azl for making the original Iron Eagle skin: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3306413/

      - Extract the archive into %UserProfile%/Saved Games/DCS/Liveries/F-16C_50<br />
      - There should be a folder named IAF 074 inside the path above.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 45.13 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1044
  • Comments: 5