Inspired by the skinpack created by m0j0NL for the VSN F-104G Starfighter, I created this livery.
The D-8331 as flown by Capt. Hans van der Werf during the Air Force Days in Sept. 1979
He was the RNLAF Starfighter demo pilot for 6 years and was well known for showing the Starfighters brutal force, speed and beauty !
Special on the D-8331, the designated demo airframe are:
On the tail, the 312 Squadron batch as well as the Red, White and Blue Dutch flag.
A prominent Sharkmouth that was fitted to the D-8331.
Six F104 outlines on the right side of the aircraft above the D of D-8331 represent the six years that Capt. H vd Werf was the Starfighter display pilot of the RNLAF.
Also the Lion Batch of 315 Squadron is fitted on the left rear part of the fuselage, a symbolisation of the Air Force Days at Twente Air Base, the home of 315 Squadron.
The D-8331 as flown by Capt. Hans van der Werf during the Air Force Days in Sept. 1979
For use with:
Enjoy !