Caen Ambush - Close Air Support - Spitfire

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DCS World 2.5
Spitfire LF Mk. IX

Caen Ambush - Close Air Support - Spitfire

Uploaded by - irishlad200000
Date - 08/21/2019 15:33:50
A United States SF Unit has identified a German Ambush awaiting our tanks in the area of Caen.  The ambush has been set up North West of the town and they are using a choke point on a road, bounded by a strip wood on the south and buidlings to the north.

Make sure you turn Radio A on at Mission Start, as CAS tasking will commence.

A simple CAS mission with voiceovers and immersion.  Triggers used.  You will be directed in over the radio Button A.<br /><br />

Remember to set your compass to fly accurately on the tasked heading.

  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 5.49 Mb
  • Downloaded: 734
  • Comments: 2