Redleg's Case I Carrier Landing with Training Wheels and Alerax Script

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Redleg's Case I Carrier Landing with Training Wheels and Alerax Script

Uploaded by - Redleg01
Date - 04/17/2019 12:21:30
This is a practice mission using Alerax's LSO Script.<br />
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You are aircraft number 202 approaching the USS Stennis from the east at 20 nm.  205 and 206 are already in the Signal Charlie Pattern. <br />
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The Training Wheels:  The destroyers to port and aft of the carrier give you a reference for the maximum distance you can be from the carrier before the LSO gives you a wave off.  When you get regular passing grades from the LSO you can remove the training wheels by deleting or hiding the destroyers in the mission editor.

This was a mission I developed to get practice configuring the aircraft before mission start in the mission editor and incorporating Alerax's LSO script. The LSO script provides corrections after the Ball call and grades your approach.  You can read more about the Alerax LSO script in the Forum.  Comments are welcome and thanks again to Alerax for the LSO script.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 3.33 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1045
  • Comments: 0
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