F/A-18C - Civil Air Patrol CAP USAF Auxiliary (fictional)

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F/A-18C - Civil Air Patrol CAP USAF Auxiliary (fictional)

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - bigmacx
Date - 03/17/2019 18:18:59
Custom skin for a fictional F/A-18C flown by the Civil Air Patrol

Custom Civil Air patrol skin with pilot in CAP flight uniform CAP propellers.

For me, I installed this skin by uncompressing the files (retaining the top-level "Liveries" directory) into your SavedGames\DCSxxxxx directory

This skin was a lot of fun to make. It was also really challenging because the skin-to-model layout has several defects in it where things like straight sections show minor curves and chicanes when rendered in the simulator. They have to be corrected in the skin file by pre-distorting a "straight line" so that when rendered by the model, it is actually straight. Stripes be hard, my dude, especially on this DCS aircraft template.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 26.7 Mb
  • Downloaded: 291
  • Comments: 10
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