Michael Nysus

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DCS World 2.5

Michael Nysus

Uploaded by - michaelnysus@gmail.com
Date - 01/25/2019 15:16:05
Practice your formation, gunnery or ACM skills with the prettiest aircraft in DCS.
Built in surprises. Follow the different aircraft as a challenge or just watch and enjoy.

All aircraft and Helicopters fly from takeoff to landing, shortest approx 12 mins, longest
approx 18 mins including some high performance fighter take offs. Tanker is too high.
I worked on this for about a month getting the timings right. Would like to see someone make it better and upload. It's a decent start.
  • License: Paid - Paid version, License file included
  • Language: English
  • Size: 43.83 Kb
  • Downloaded: 400
  • Comments: 2
Tags: formation, acm, f18-c