Template for Cougar MFD

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Template for Cougar MFD

Type - Document
Uploaded by - kalabaddon
Date - 01/10/2019 02:53:24
Here is a simple XCF file that you can edit with the free graphics program called GIMP,  it has a layer with a grid to align stuff, and a layer with an image of the MFD to see how it will look.

Here is a simple XCF file that you can edit with the free graphics program called GIMP,  it has a layer with a grid to align stuff, and a layer with an image of the MFD to see how it will look.
Image size for reference when printing.  5.39 x 5.56 inch's (it has a small border to account for the MFD overlay.)
the entire thing is hand layout,  I did not measure the grid spacing so they are most likely not exact,  but if printed from gimp with out any zoom effects or changes to canvas or what not it will fit the mfd and line up.

To use it just add a layer to work on,  make it translucent so you can see the grid,  and hide the MFD layer as needed to see work.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 119.38 Kb
  • Downloaded: 886
  • Comments: 0
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