Every Viggen has its Day

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DCS World 2.5
AJS-37 Viggen

Every Viggen has its Day

Uploaded by - Apache600
Date - 10/25/2018 16:37:09
Here's a simple mission for the Viggen that allows you to test your navigation skills, as well as practice all the weapon systems.

Targets exist at certain waypoints along the route.   There are also targets outside of the route (green boxed slides in the briefing images)   For those you’d have to build your own waypoints.  LOLA coordinates are provided.

Radio Freqs:
    Airport and AWACS on starting Default radio channel.

Update log:

v1.1 :  Updated atmospheric conditions for new cloud system
           Added 2 Cold and 2 Hot ground start aircraft on a road.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 4.79 Mb
  • Downloaded: 901
  • Comments: 3