F/A-18C T.16000m + TWCS + Joystick Gremlim controls

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F/A-18C T.16000m + TWCS + Joystick Gremlim controls

Uploaded by - DrGarantia
Date - 09/02/2018 05:30:20
Custom binding for the F-18 using the wonderfull Joystick Gremlim tool as a way to squeeze a few more controls on the setup, if you don't plan to use it you can still reuse 95% of the controls here.
Joystick Gremlin is used for:
Trigger fires the gun, release bombs/rockets and missiles, you don't need any modifier/separated keys for those actions anymore.
Paddles serves as break axis, both halves, and radar elevation at the same time. You will need to recenter the elevation after taking off tho.
one button fully extends/retracts the airbreak.

I play with afterburner detent always off on misc settings, that is why there is a fingerlifts binding on the throttle, it is also usefull for CV take-offs.

I will update it once more A/G weapons are available for more JG wizardry stuff.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 4.26 Kb
  • Downloaded: 1407
  • Comments: 0
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