Tropico Mig-29 low-visibility skin pack (fictional)

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Tropico Mig-29 low-visibility skin pack (fictional)

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - Gerbilskij
Date - 07/03/2018 15:01:38
Fictional Tropico Mig-29A and C low-visibility liveries (4 skins included) - JSGME/OvGME ready (updated)

Fictional liveries of Tropico Revolutionary Air Force (Fuerza AĆ©rea Revolucionaria de Tropico - FART) from the videogame series, inspired by real low-visibility liveries from Peru, Cuba and Hungary.

It includes four variants, three for the Mig-29A and one for the Mig-29C:

- early version with two color tones based on the original Cuban Mig-29A colour scheme
- low visibility version of the early livery
- a more modern low vis skin (with a Tropican "El Presidente" guard star)

- modern low vis skin similar to the last one for the Mig-29A

Installation: the file is JSGME/OvGME ready, alternatively you can put the skins folders in ...Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\livery\mig-29a AND mig-29s

Version 1.0 initial release
Version 1.1 two liveries added, minor correction to existing liveries
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 59.91 Mb
  • Downloaded: 559
  • Comments: 0