Finnish Airforce F-18C BORT version 1.0

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Finnish Airforce F-18C BORT version 1.0

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - SCARP
Date - 06/14/2018 16:56:48
Finnish Air Force HN-4XX

This is the BORT version so you can add your own aircraft numbers through the editor or rearm menu. Is the same basic skin as the FAF 8-pack.

Finnish Air Force HN-4XX

This is the BORT version so you can add your own aircraft numbers through the editor or rearm menu. Beside the tail nuber placement being a bit off, but there's notheing I can do about it as it is related to the physical 3D modell, it is the same basic skin as the FAF 8-pack except the aircraft numbers aren't locked down. Contains custom BORT numbers.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 10.9 Mb
  • Downloaded: 409
  • Comments: 2