Mitsubishi F-15J 42-8838 305th Squadron 50th Anniversary

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Mitsubishi F-15J 42-8838 305th Squadron 50th Anniversary

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - Porcorosso86
Date - 05/06/2018 15:06:46
JASDF, 305th Squadron, 50th Anniversary, Hyakuri AB, 2004

Hi everyone
This is one of my most hard work that I put my hands! But the final result seem to be really close at reality!
Every graphics are did handmade, with my Wacom Graphic tablet, and I want to excuse in advance if I have done some mistakes with Kanji. If you can explaiin where I did the mistakes and how correct it, i'll do with great pleasure.
This fantastic livery was done on 2004, during the 50th anniversary of the JASDF. In particular this livery was done from 305th squadron, based on Hyakuri, Omitama, Ibaraki Prefecture.
I want to give a big THANKYOU to GeorgeLKMT that had provide me the complete set of fusolage markings, that without wouldn't so beauitful, thanks dude!

This livery is complete of:
Handmade graphics details
Original Japanese markings (by GeorgeLKMT)
Original JASDF and 305th patches
Black seat (by GeorgeLKMT)

Removed useless files from .RAR

Mitsubishi F-15J 42-8838 305th Squadron 50th Anniversary is a livery made by PorcoRosso86. Free license, do not redistribuite.
If you want to use my livery like a base of other, please put the credit and the link of the original skin.
Don't modify the original LUA comments of the original creator, but add another comment.

Happy Landings
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 11.89 Mb
  • Downloaded: 2643
  • Comments: 11
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