adds tail swastika decals to all default Bf-109 and Fw-190 skins and replaces the censored Third Reich flag with a proper Reichskriegsflagge
Bf-109 K4 1.NJG 11
Bf-109 K4 1.NJG 11 (White 5)
Bf-109 K4 330xxx batch
Bf-109 K4 334xxx batch
Bf-109 K4 335xxx batch
Bf-109 K4 9.JG27 (W10+I)
Bf-109 K4 9.JG77
Bf-109 K4 IIIJG27
Bf-109 K4 IIJG52
Bf-109 K4 Jagdgeschwader 53
Bf-109 K4 Jagdgeschwader 77
Bf-109 K4 Stab JG52
Bf-109 K4 White 6, JG 4
FW-190D9_13.JG 51_Heinz Marquardt
FW-190D9_Black 4 of Stab IIJG 6
FW-190D9_IV.JG 26_Hans Dortenmann
install: extract the zip file into your game folder
update: added Fw-190 decals