Markindel's Italian Navy Mod

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DCS World 2.1

Markindel's Italian Navy Mod

Type - Mod
Uploaded by -
Date - 12/06/2017 11:16:46
Included ships,

Italian cruiser Alberto da Giussano

RN large Italian liner

Italian cruiser Pola

Italian cruiser Raimondo Montecuccoli

Soldati Class destroyer Castore

RN Soldati destroyer

Trento-class cruiser

And to complete the battle group,


Brought to you by,

WW II Aircraft Development Co-op (WW II ADC )

President - Markindel, Model development

Vice President, Secretary - Hawkeye60, Mod development

Research/Resource gathering, Testing, bug discovery, javalina1

Members, Artists, Mod development, Eric and Patrick Cuesta

Member, Artist, Model development, Mod development, Bruce Yang
Member, Collaborator, Livery Wizard, crazyeddie

Member, Collaborator, Aircraft facts, Information and Data Wizard, Coder , Stonehouse
Member, Collaborator, mod development, coder, Double D
Member, Collaborator, Mod testing and bug finding, Stratos
Member, Collaborator, Mod testing and bug finding, NAKED
Member, Collaborator, Mod testing and develpoment and bug finding, Specter
Member, Collaborator, Mod testing and bug finding, PicksKing
Member, Collaborator, Mod testing and bug finding, vc Biller


Markindel's Italian Navy Mod

Included ships,

Italian cruiser Alberto da Giussano

RN large Italian liner

Italian cruiser Pola

Italian cruiser Raimondo Montecuccoli

Soldati Class destroyer Castore

RN Soldati destroyer

Trento-class cruiser

And to complete the battle group,
(already released)


The new seven ships have no damage model.
Only the flags are animated.
There are no weapons.
They Do have collision models so you can sink them!

Un'altra Marina lascia il porto nell'oceano DCS!
Grazie Mario!

Un lavoro meraviglioso!

GvGME Ready
Tested in 2.1.1 as of 10.11.17

Have fun!
The WW II ADC Team
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 56.5 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1787
  • Comments: 0
Tags: Ship, Italian, Italy
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