Spitfire MK IXe SL633, Czechoslovak 312 Squadron

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Spitfire LF Mk. IX

Spitfire MK IXe SL633, Czechoslovak 312 Squadron

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - spitfire_raf
Date - 08/16/2017 21:01:20
This skin represents a Spitfire Mk IXe, registered SL663. This plane served in the RAF's 312 Czech Squadron during WWII. It is here seen in the Czech national markings, as it is today. This Spitfire is often seen in airshows across Europe and particuarly in the Flying Legends at RAF Duxford.

This skin represents a Spitfire Mk IXe, registered SL663. This plane served in the RAF's 312 Czech Squadron during WWII. It is here seen in the Czech national markings, as it is today. This Spitfire is often seen at airshows across Europe and particuarly at the Flying Legends in RAF Duxford.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 7.6 Mb
  • Downloaded: 887
  • Comments: 4
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