DCS World 2.0
A-10C Warthog


Uploaded by - Velcro666
Date - 05/25/2017 20:02:31
once again for the pdf briefing please check out the squad facebook 59th ravens


Welcome to Red flag – Operation Red Scorpion
This is a night OP, For Cas, helo and cap Pilots,  

Tensions being extremely high with Korea, We need to put a Stop to the nuke facility, There EWR station and there test site, with these target areas out of operation, it will stop any more tests, also any threats they claim to give.
All Flight packages will Start off 0200 hours, From Groom lake Runway 14L On Departure Take a 5-10 degree climb to avoid Chert Ridge 8 miles south of the runway

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A10C – WP1 fence in – WP2 Orbit Untill Gazelles Confirm package is there and Cap package has cleared you to I.P WP3(I.P) Locate your individual targets, Once targets Confirmed and lead gives the order, roll in hot with GBU12s to WP4 - break south back to I.P and orbit.
Form up at I.P, Lead will give the order to go fr om WP3(I.P) to WP5 orbit WP5  to Designate Individual targets, Once Flight Confirms, Lead Give the order To Roll In Hot With MAVS to WP6  - Break South East,  Orbit Between WP5-WP6, Form up, (Lead to Choose Formation)
WP7 – A10C package will need to perform a coordinated strike at the same time, Or the least possible Minimum Interval. With GBU38s (Most Suited Formation to be decided by Lead)
After Flight Weapons release(Winchester), Form up Echelon Right, Divert to 04193 48559. Loiter and Monitor Area – Possible Info generals car Weapons free if located
A10C flight – (In Operational Areas)Your are not Cleared below 16,000ft  - Min Alt 16000ft – max 20,000ft only at WP6 you are cleared to Deviate fr om Plan, RTB to Tonopah runway 14

CAP Flights CAP Flights are not Cleared below 20,000ft, CAS packages are operating , All flights are to stick to briefed plans. Your flight Altitude is 25000ft – After departure Turn NE to WP1 – Once at WP1 Orbit and monitor the skies, Until CAS package has Arrived at WP2 –
CAP Package is the protection, so if the skies are clear, its at CAP leads discretion to Authorise CAS package to WP3
Once CAS package is at WP3 CAP Package will chainsaw between  WP1 and WP2
Once CAS package has released weapons  and enroute to WP5  CAP will Chainsaw between WP3 and WP4
Once CAS package have departed WP7  - CAP Flight you are Cleared to RTB to TONOPAH RUNWAY 14

Helicopter Element: Python - Gazelle flight will depart Farp ROME WP1 – Confirm target Area  - weapons hold – once A10C flight have deployed weapons your are weapons free at WP2 the target area  - WP3 is Farp PERTH wh ere you can refuel and rearm before joining the strike packages at the launch site WP4,  you are to monitor the site at WP4 and go weapons free after A10c  package have deployed there weapons WP5 Land at Tonopah
Stalker - Huey Flight will depart Farp DALLAS WP1 – Confirm target Area  - weapons hold – once A10C flight have deployed weapons your are weapons free at WP2 the target area  - WP3 is Farp PERTH wh ere you can refuel and rearm before joining the strike packages at the launch site,  you are to monitor the site and go weapons free after A10c  package have deployed there weapons WP5 Land at Tonopah
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