MiG-21bis Cold Border Rebels SP A2G Mission

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MiG-21bis Cold Border Rebels SP A2G Mission

Uploaded by - ZoomBoy27
Date - 04/24/2017 03:06:50
A2G SP Mission for MiG-21bis  - Destroy an escaping rebel convoy & attack their base.  80's Mission with Old School Recon Photos and Briefing Map.  
Find and destroy the escaping rebel convoy and their camp (safe house).

Mig-21bis Bombing Mission:

Soviet Intelligence has discovered Georgian Rebels hiding in the Turkish mountains.  We have tacit approval from Turkey to silence them in their camps.
There is a rebel convoy heading up the Çoruh River from Georgia to a rebel camp in Turkey

1) Find the escaping rebel convoy between Waypoint 2 and Waypoint 3
Mission Fail if they reach the edge of their base and disperse.
Destroying empty trucks after that does not count

2) Also destroy their camp (safe house)

You will have Soviet intelligence agents who can drop flares for you to mark targets.
Use the radio.

Early 80's period - Soviet Intelligence has discovered Georgian rebels in the border regions with Turkey, Iraq, and Iran.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 1.34 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1078
  • Comments: 2