Yugoslavian AF An-26

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Yugoslavian AF An-26

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - Beefdork
Date - 03/17/2017 16:04:51
Antonov-26 #71369 of the Yugoslav Air Force.

A skin for the An-26 of the Yugoslav Air Force in 1989.

An-26 were part of the 111th Aviation Brigade 676th Transport Squadron at airport Pleso and 119th Aviation Brigade 677 Transport Squadron at airport Nis.
The 71369 was destroyed (together with 71359) in 1999 war when the planes were undergoing overhauling. The roof of the hangar collapsed and destroyed both planes when the hangar was hit in the attack.

For installation use JSGME mod enabler or copy the files manually to:
...DCS World\Bazar\Liveries\An-26B
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 7.65 Mb
  • Downloaded: 949
  • Comments: 1
Tags: An-26B, Skin, An-26, An26