DCSW F-15c - Bear Trap Campaign (Patch to Game) (v1.56x)

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DCSW F-15c - Bear Trap Campaign (Patch to Game) (v1.56x)

Type - Campaign
Uploaded by - MadDog-IC
Date - 02/01/2017 08:03:49
This is the F-15c Bear Trap Campaign that comes with the game by default, that has many fixes applied to make missions work as originally intended.

These missions are all Eagle Dynamics original work, but over the course of time, patches, and programming errors have arisen to break the missions, so I have corrected them as best I can and to make them a little more realistic and to work properly.

Installing the replacement Updates
- Copy the Mods directory from the Downloaded ZIP file into your ..\DCS World\ directory and overwrite all files.
- Run DCS Campaign from DCS as usual

Repairs done by MadDog-IC

Changelog v1.1 04-03-2017
- Changed - All missions with US-Tankers speed from 490km to 850km to give correct refueling speed of 300-355KIAS for F-15c
- Changed - Mission 1 Sead Flights adjusted to compensate for inaccurate ARM missiles (Best I can do).

Changelog v1.0

Mission - BEAR TRAP - 00 (FAM Flight).miz
- Triggers
    - Added Win and Loss messages.
- Waypoints
    - All CAP aircraft set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All SEAD aircraft set to sead -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed Airport Coalitions
- Units
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog ON to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE

Mission - BEAR TRAP - 01 (Escort SEAD strike on EWR).miz
- Triggers
    - Added Win and Loss messages.
    - Changed Win condition Flag=50
    - Added voice overs
- Waypoints
    - All CAP aircraft set to cap -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All SEAD aircraft set to sead -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area
    - Fixed Airport Coalitions
    - Changed - Wind direction 180 degrees to make flights take off on runway 14 as in brief
- Units
    - Changed Hold flag on US SEAD-1 flight to Flag=10
    - Fixed all US aircraft Callsign Numbers
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - Time of Day - Original 5:45 now 7:45 as was to dark.
    - Changed - Sead Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Maneuvers, Restrict Jettison = ON and Restrict Air to Air = ON
    - Fixed - US F-15c (Player) Weapons Load out - Replaced the missing 6 x Aim-120c's on Pylons
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog ON to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE

Mission - BEAR TRAP - 02 (Enemy AWACS hunt).miz
- Triggers
    - Added Win and Loss messages.
    - Added voice overs
- Waypoints
    - All CAP aircraft set to cap -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All CAS aircraft set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area
    - Fixed Airport Coalitions
    - Changed - Wind direction 180 degrees to make flights take off on runway 14 as in brief
- Units
    - Fixed all US aircraft Callsign Numbers
    - Changed - RU-AWACS Flight direction to give more time to intercept and kill
    - Changed - US F-15c (Player) altitude for WP4-11 to 500 agl to match brief
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Fixed - US F-15c (Player) Weapons Load out - Replaced the missing 6 x Aim-120c's on Pylons
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog ON to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    

Mission - BEAR TRAP - 03 (Escort SEAD strike on SAMs).miz
- Triggers
    - Added Win and Loss messages.
    - Added voice overs
- Waypoints
    - All CAP aircraft set to cap -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All SEAD aircraft set to sead -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area
    - Fixed Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Fixed all US aircraft Callsign Numbers
    - Moved Static A-10c on left side of Soganlug to fix MP problem with aircraft taking off from runway that get relocated to parking bays and taxi to runway - running into these aircraft next to them.
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - Sead Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Maneuvers, Restrict Jettison = ON and Restrict Air to Air = ON
    - Fixed - US F-15c (Player) Weapons Load out - Replaced the missing 6 x Aim-120c's on Pylons
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog ON to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE

Mission - BEAR TRAP - 04 (Scramble, airbase defense).miz
- Triggers
    - Added Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Trigger zone for leaving Vaziani AB, Late activate RU STRIKE 1+2, RU STRIKE ESCORT 1+2 and RU SEAD
    - Added voice overs
- Waypoints
    - All CAP aircraft set to cap -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All SEAD aircraft set to sead -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area
    - Fixed Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Fixed all US aircraft Callsign Numbers
    - Moved - RU STRIKE 1+2, RU STRIKE ESCORT 1+2 and RU SEAD back further from Vaziani AB to give player time to scramble into the air.
    - Moved Static A-10c on left side of Soganlug to fix MP problem
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - RU Sead Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Maneuvers, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - RU STRIKE 1 + 2  - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Maneuvers, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Fixed - US F-15c (Player) Weapons Load out - Replaced the missing 6 x Aim-120c's on Pylons
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog ON to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
------------------------ DONE

Mission - BEAR TRAP - 05 (Escort OCA strikes on Nal'Chik).miz
- Triggers
    - Added Win and Loss messages.
    - Added Voice overs
- Waypoints
    - All CAP aircraft set to cap -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All SEAD aircraft set to sead -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area
    - Fixed Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Fixed all US aircraft Callsign Numbers
    - Changed US STRIKE 1 + 2 flight path to stay low on run in to runway bombing
    - Changed US SEAD 1 + 2 Flights from 2 to 4 ship
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US Sead Flight 1+2+3 - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Maneuvers, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US Strike 1 + 2 flight - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Manuevers, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Fixed - US F-15c (Player) Weapons Load out - Replaced the missing 6 x Aim-120c's on Pylons
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog ON to enable defined settings
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE

Mission - BEAR TRAP - 06 (Escort OCA strikes on Mozdok).miz
- Triggers
    - Added Win and Loss messages.
    - Removed Flag=50 from Loss trigger - Should only be on for Win
    - Total rewrite of US Sead and US Strike hold and radio commands for timing (Changed flags on orbits to suit)
    - Added Voice overs
- Waypoints
    - All CAP aircraft set to cap -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All SEAD aircraft set to sead -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area
    - Fixed Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Fixed all US aircraft Callsign Numbers
    - Changed US STRIKE 1 + 2 flight path to stay low on run in to runway bombing
    - Changed US SEAD 1 + 2 + 3 Flights from 2 to 4 ship so able to take out SA-11 batteries
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US Sead Flight 1+2+3 - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Maneuvers, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US Strike 1+2 Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Maneuvers, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Fixed - US F-15c (Player) Weapons Load out - Replaced the missing 6 x Aim-120c's on Pylons
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog ON to enable defined settings
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE

Mission - BEAR TRAP - 07 (Fighter Sweep).miz
- Triggers
    - Added Win and Loss messages.
    - Added voice overs
- Waypoints
    - All CAP aircraft set to cap -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Fixed all US aircraft Callsign Numbers
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Fixed - US F-15c (Player) Weapons Load out - Replaced the missing 6 x Aim-120c's on Pylons
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog ON to enable defined settings
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE

Mission - BEAR TRAP - 08 (Escort Command and Control strike).miz
- Triggers
    - Added Win and Loss messages.
    - Fixed - (Remove push call) radio remove, flag=60 not flag=2
    - Added voice overs
- Waypoints
    - All CAS aircraft set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All CAP aircraft set to cap -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All SEAD aircraft set to sead -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Fixed all US aircraft Callsign Numbers
    - Changed US-STRIKE 1 + 2 flights load out to gbu-37*4 each to enable to destroy Ammo bunkers and HQ.
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US Sead Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Maneuvers, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US Strike 1+2 Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Maneuvers, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Fixed - US F-15c (Player) Weapons Load out - Replaced the missing 6 x Aim-120c's on Pylons
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog ON to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE

Mission - BEAR TRAP - 09 (Defensive Battlefield CAP).miz
- Triggers
    - Added Win and Loss messages.
    - Added voice overs for US SEAD1+2, US CAS1+2, COMMAND
    - Changed - Flag 3 and 4 for unholding ALL US Flights, RU flights, RU TANK platoons
    - Changed - RU CAS 1 + 2 and RU CAP to go on US player out of Exit zone
- Waypoints
    - All CAS aircraft set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All CAP aircraft set to cap -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All SEAD aircraft set to sead -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Changed - Us Sead 1+2 Flights hold position back further for SEAD Shots with out getting killed
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Changed - Wind direction 180 degrees to make flights take off on runway 14 as in brief
- Units
    - Fixed - all US aircraft Callsign Numbers
    - Fixed - all ARTY - corrupt Fire at Point commands
    - Changed - RU TANK PLATOON ASSAULTS - from late start to Start at mission start but Hold insitu
    - Changed - US SEAD 1+2 Flights weapons loadouts (AGM-64, ARM and AGM-88c, AGM-154c)
    - Changed - US CAS 1+2 Flights weapons loadouts (AGM-64, CBU-105) for better armour destruction

- Scoring
    - Changed - 50 + 15 + 15 + 50 (Time 5, US Cas1 success, US Cas2 success, US F-15c (Player) Success)
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - Sead Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Maneuvers, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Fixed - US F-15c (Player) Weapons Load out - Replaced the missing 6 x Aim-120c's on Pylons
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog ON to enable defined settings
    - Working BUGGED - Current Issue with AI dropping CBU-105's, will not drop sometimes, cluster impacts are locking up game at mission end / exit and causing the Score not to upd ate during the mission.
------------------------ DONE (Bug Needs Fix) (Lot of work in this one)

Mission - BEAR TRAP - 10 (Offensive Battlefield CAP).miz
- Triggers
    - Added Win and Loss messages.
    - Added Voice Overs
    - Changed - Flag 3 and 4 for unholding ALL US Flights, RU flights
    - Changed - Flag 5 and 6 for unholding all US TANK platoons
    - Changed - RU CAS 1 + 2 and RU CAP 1 + 2 to go on US player out of Exit zone    
- Waypoints
    - All Cas Aircraft set to cas -a -x and Engage in Zones set.
    - All CAP aircraft set to cap -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All SEAD aircraft set to sead -a -x and Engage in zones se t.
    - Fixed Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Fixed all US aircraft Callsign Numbers
    - Fixed - all ARTY - corrupt Fire at Point commands
    - Changed - US TANK PLATOON ASSAULTS - from late start to Start at mission start but Hold insitu
    - Changed - US SEAD 1+2 Flights weapons loadouts (AGM-64, ARM and AGM-88c, AGM-154c)
    - Changed - US CAS 1+2 Flights weapons loadouts (AGM-64, CBU-105) for better armour destruction
- Scoring
    - Changed - 50 + 15 + 15 + 10 + 10 + 50 (Time 5, US Cas1 success, US Cas2 success, US Tank1 success, US Tank2 Success, US Tank3 Success, US F-15c (Player) Success)
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - Sead Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Maneuvers, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Fixed - US F-15c (Player) Weapons Load out - Replaced the missing 6 x Aim-120c's on Pylons
    - Working BUGGED - Current Issue with AI dropping CBU-105's, will not drop sometimes, cluster impacts are locking up game at mission end / exit and causing the Score not to update during the mission.
------------------------ DONE (Bug Needs Fix) (Lot of work in this one)
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 20.57 Mb
  • Downloaded: 2908
  • Comments: 6
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