F-5E-3 Quick Reference Checklist - Normal Procedures, Emergency Procedures, Bombing Tables

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F-5E Tiger

F-5E-3 Quick Reference Checklist - Normal Procedures, Emergency Procedures, Bombing Tables

Type - Document
Uploaded by - autogyro
Date - 07/27/2016 13:25:28
A quick reference checklist based on on the USAF F-5E/F Manual, T.O. 1F-5E-1 with inclusions and subtractions based on the Belsimtek F-5E-3 module. Includes Normal Procedures, Emergency Procedures, Caution Lights Panel and Bombing Tables from T.O. 1F-5E-34-1-1. Can be used as a kneeboard within DCS.

This Quick Reference Checklist is designed to allow the F-5E pilot a concise checklist of all major items applicable to the DCS: F-5E Tiger II module.

Over time this checklist will be updated to include all applicable Bombing Tables.

To install, please save the .png files into:

C:\...\<user>\Saved Games\DCS\Kneeboard\F-5E-3 folder.

Replace DCS with your DCS version - either DCS, DCS.OpenBeta or DCS.OpenAlpha


v3: Additional tables added - Takeoff Configuration, Turn Performance and Bombing Table Calculations
v2: Bombing Tables added for MK82, MK83, MK84, M117, M39 HEI, 2.75 FFAR
v1: Normal Procedures, Emergency Procedures,  Caution Lights Panel


Sundowner for the M117 tables
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 19.63 Mb
  • Downloaded: 7456
  • Comments: 3