Interdict APCs!

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Interdict APCs!

Uploaded by - Facealmatter
Date - 07/26/2016 19:52:20
Shoot up some APCs in the all new F-5!

We have just recieved some intel from a citizen in Poti that there are some Btr-80s with no one manning them. We suspect they are sleeping or something. We want you to use the cover of darkness to do a strike on these Btrs. We have a recon team, callsign Fox, that is on the scene and will pop a flare at the position of the BTRs if you require them. They will also tell you other pieces of information that could be useful to you. Once they are destroyed, Fox will tell you if you can RTB

AWACS is seeing some Mig21s doing CAP about 60km to the north of Poti, but he will tell you if they are going towards you. Fortunately, we do not expect any high level threats, but if there are look about for tracers/plumes of smoke.
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  • Language: English
  • Size: 27.18 Kb
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