Face's Bf 109 Revi 16B Vorhalt Texture

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Bf 109 K-4 Kurfurst

Face's Bf 109 Revi 16B Vorhalt Texture

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - DefaultFace
Date - 07/19/2016 19:17:31
Adds a lead table to the 109 gunsight.

Fügt Vorhalt Tabelle aus dem Schiessfiebel auf den Revi in der 109.

JSGME compatible

This takes the Lead table from the Schiessfiebel and adds it to the gunsight in the 109. Lead is in radii.

Fügt Vorhalt Tabelle aus dem Schiessfiebel auf den Revi in der 109. Vorhalt in Radien.

JSGME compatible

Other than the table the textures are the original ones from ED, all credits to them.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: Deutsch
  • Size: 31.68 Mb
  • Downloaded: 999
  • Comments: 0
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