Adjustment in sound files for Mirage M-2000C for DCS 1.5.4.

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Adjustment in sound files for Mirage M-2000C for DCS 1.5.4.

Type - Sound
Uploaded by - Captain_Rob
Date - 07/02/2016 16:31:17
adjustments sound and sdef files for the M-2000C as try out

I made some adjustments for the sound files of the Mirage M-2000C. For those who like to have more volume. It is a try out. The sounds also depends on the the settings, soundcards as well sound boxes and or earphones you are using. It is something personal too.
Please back up your default files of the Mirage!!!! I changed the .ogg files in .wav files. The best is to backup all the .ogg files and put my wav files in place
The Mirage engine wav files can be used in the following map:
DCS World OpenBeta/CoreMods/Aircraft/M-2000C/Sounds/Effects/Aircraft/Engines/SnecmaM53
The Sdef files (source definition files) belong in the following map:
DCS World OpenBeta/CoreMods/Aircraft/M-2000C/Sounds/sdef/Aircraft/Engines/SnecmaM53
NB also backup the orginal sdef files (just in case)

I also adjusted two other files which are used (but used by all jet aircraft in DCS as far as I know). These are the PlaneFurWind and PlaneFarNoise wav files (also with the adjusted Sdef files)
BACKUP the deafults!!!!
The PlaneFurWind.wav belong in the following map: DCS World OpenBeta/Sounds/Effects/Aircraft.
The PlaneFurWind.sdef file in this map: DCS World OpenBeta/Sounds/sdef/Aircraft
BACKUP the defaults!!!!
The PlaneFarNoise.wav belong in the following map: DCS World OpenBeta/Sounds/Effects/Aircraft/Engines.
The PlaneFarNoise.sdef file in this map: DCS World OpenBeta/Sounds/sdef/Aircraft/Engines

As written above it is just a try to get some better sounds out of the Mirage. Some wav files I changed some I kept and most of the sdef files I changed to get more volume.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 33.08 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1231
  • Comments: 2
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