AAA fix

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AAA fix

Type - Mod
Uploaded by - AAA
Date - 05/12/2012 15:40:29
better and more accurately aiming AA units. (Shilka, Gepard, Tungusha, Ciws...)

I made this little mod because i can see that anti aircrat guns in this game cant really hit anything that moves and have extremely poor effectivness. With this mod i was able to at least assure realible hits on planes that dont manuever unlike in original where they cant even hit a plane which is flying at anything other than directly towards or directly away from the vehicle. It affects radar guided aa units only.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 4.71 Kb
  • Downloaded: 646
  • Comments: 0
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