Yugoslavian AF Sabre pack v1.5.3.53279

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DCS World 1.5
F-86F Sabre

Yugoslavian AF Sabre pack v1.5.3.53279

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - Beefdork
Date - 02/19/2016 15:32:42
Five skins for F-86 Sabre in colors of Yugoslavian Air Force from the 1960s. (Changes: Corrected description.lua files to work with game version

A pack of five skins for F-86 Sabre in colors of Yugoslavian Air Force from the 1960s.

Yugoslav Air Force (Jugoslavensko Ratno Vazduhoplovstvo – JRV) was officially formed on January 5th, 1945. In 1953 Yugoslavia entered the jet age with the supply from the United States of 219 Republic F-84G Thunderjet fighter bombers.
Further advancement of JRV combat capability continued in 1956/57 with the supply of 43 former Royal Air Force (RAF) Canadair CL-13 Mk.IV Sabre jets. In 1959 more Sabre jets were purchased, this time being 78 North American F-86E Sabre fighters. The various Sabre fighters provided a major boost in combat capability for the JRV and the last was not retired until 1974.

Pack includes custom pilot uniform, helmet and patches and five skins:
- Silver #045 with western style numbers from 1959
- Silver #066
- Silver #025 with Red nose and exhaust
- Camo #005 variant 1 with black numbers on wings, side and tail
- Camo #094 variant 2 with white numbers on wings, side and tail

For installation use JSGME mod enabler or copy the files manually to ...\Bazar\Liveries\F-86f Sabre\

- corrected description.lua files to work with game version
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 74.32 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1389
  • Comments: 3
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