Gospadin's M-2000C English Cockpit Mod v0.93

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Gospadin's M-2000C English Cockpit Mod v0.93

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - gospadin
Date - 01/08/2016 19:38:09
This is my English Cockpit retexture for the M-2000C by RAZBAM.  It is based on photos posted to the forums of the HAF Mirage 2000C and 2000-5Mk2, as well as a few guesses and a healthy dose of google translate.

Thanks to jaguara5 and Azrayen for their feedback and photos, and a huge thanks to uboats who created the cockpit selection code.

It installs with JSGME and supports choosing your cockpit from the Options:Special menu.  Simply sel ect "English by gospadin" fr om the drop down menu.

If you have questions, please send me a PM or ask on the forums.


0.1: (6 Jan 2016) Initial version
0.2: (7 Jan 2016) Fixes: Full english under RWR, "LP MAIN COCK" cutoff switch, full English on countermeasure control panel, removed HNAV button from autopilot panel, "GUN RKT. S 530" now on weapons control panel.
0.3: (7 Jan 2016) HUD control panel changes
0.4: (7 Jan 2016) Darkened the Gear/Brake/NWS/Air Brake un-lit lights a bit
0.5: (8 Jan 2016) Same textures as v0.4, but now supports enable/disable via Special options menu for M-2000C.  You should see "English by gospadin" as a menu option.
0.6: (12 Jan 2016) Updated the UHF, V/UHF and Radar panels based on the M-2000C manual and some online photos of the radar panel.
0.7: (25 Jan 2016) Update for, with various .lua collision fixes based on RAZBAM's latest changes.  Changed text on Hydraulic pressure gauge: ANC/Ancillary and EmB/Emergency Brake, and fixed backlighting alignment on the G meter (though it still doesn't work properly).
0.8: (8 Feb 2016) Update for  Re-implemented all alpha channels to be compatible with RAZBAM's sunlight interaction and backlighting.  Updated all material names.  Undid the backlighting alignment fix on the G-meter (not needed anymore) and made some small texture updates based on RAZBAM's latest.
0.85: (13 Mar 2016) Update for  Updated the relight procedure and canopy placards.  Added missing identifier for the middle position IFF mode switch.  SERPAM (flight data recorder) switch now labeled in English.  Small lua tweaks.
0.86: (1 Apr 2016)  Updated the LUA code to work with RAZBAM's option setup changes in DCS open beta (1.5.3 update 3).  No other changes.
0.87: (1 May 2016)  Removed the change to entry.lua as it's no longer needed and was causing an integrity check failure on the latest NTTR build.  Dropdown now says "EN by gospadin" to fit within the box.
0.90: (3 Sep 2016)  Fixed the L2 "LIGHTS" materials, and a number of other small changes.  Now compatible with 1.5.4 / 2.0.3.
0.91: (4 Sep 2016)  Fix the per-tank low fuel lamps.
0.92: (8 July 2017)  Resync with RAZBAM base textures in open beta.  Fixes alpha/theta symbols, refueling probe text, and a few lamps.
0.93: (4 Sep 2017)   Resync with latest material names from RAZBAM.  Fixes all warning lamps and adds proper alpha layer to countermeasure panel.

Note:  Version 0.93 tested on latest NTTR version.

  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 53.53 Mb
  • Downloaded: 8329
  • Comments: 24