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UH-1H Huey


Uploaded by - p.king
Date - 11/21/2015 16:02:20
Scramble and move those troops and their cargo to help defeat the incoming enemy armour and troop concentrations.

Batumi airfield is under immediate attack from the South. The enemy must not be allowed to cross the bridge on the airfield perimeter. Pick up troops and drop them off to reinforce our troops manning the strongpoint at the road junction on the Southern approaches to the bridge. If you can save the airfield from this initial attack and survive.. then you will be able support our armour in repelling any subsequent attacks from whatever direction they come.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 2.66 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1346
  • Comments: 1
Tags: Huey, A10c, KA50
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