Adjustable Frequency Presets for Flyable Helicopters

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Adjustable Frequency Presets for Flyable Helicopters

Type - Mod
Uploaded by - Home Fries
Date - 03/01/2015 23:14:07
This mod allows frequency presets in flyable helicopters to be changed in the Mission Editor.  All players who fly the updated mission will need to have this mod enabled for their specific aircraft to get the updated frequencies.  Players who do not have the mod enabled will get the default presets.  Missions created without using this mod will provide the default presets for players with this mod enabled, so there is no known side effect of keeping this mod enabled.

Code by Imp, Flagrum, Tarres, and Home Fries.  Integration by Home Fries.

Includes adjustable presets for:
    Ka-50    (R-828 and ARK-22)
    Mi-8    (R-863 and R-828)
    UH-1H    (ARC-51 UHF)

This mod allows frequency presets in flyable helicopters to be changed in the Mission Editor.  All players who fly the updated mission will need to have this mod enabled for their specific aircraft to get the updated frequencies.  Players who do not have the mod enabled will get the default presets.  Missions created without using this mod will provide the default presets for players with this mod enabled, so there is no known side effect of keeping this mod enabled.

Important Note: if you save a mission with custom presets without having this mod installed, then all custom presets will revert to the defaults.


This mod is split into five JSGME compatible components.  These components should be extracted to your JSGME _Mods folder and enabled using the following criteria:
    * GUI - Adjustable Frequency Presets for Flyable Helicopters (Master)
        This is required for editing or flying missions with custom presets.    Incompatible with Upuaut's Cargo & Helipads mod.
    * GUI - Adjustable Frequency Presets for Flyable Helicopters (Master - Cargo & Helipads Compatible)
        If you use Upuaut's Cargo & Helipads mod, enable this instead of the other master mod.  Enable after Upuaut's mod.

    * Ka-50 - Adjustable Frequency Presets (Module)
        Enable this if you have the Ka-50 module.  This is required in order to receive the updated frequency presets in enabled missions.
        If you do not have the Ka-50 module, then enabling this may cause a Crash to Desktop (CTD).
    * Mi-8MTV - Adjustable Frequency Presets (Module) - same as Ka-50
    * UH-1H - Adjustable Frequency Presets (Module)    - same as Ka-50

Compatibility with Upuaut's Cargo & Helipads mod:

This mod and Upuaut's Cargo & Helipads mod both make edits to the AB-212ASW.lua and Mi-8MT.lua files in the Scripts\Database\helicopters folder.  Therefore, if you use Upuaut's Cargo & Helipads mod, enable that first, then enable "GUI - Adjustable Frequency Presets for Flyable Helicopters (Master - Cargo & Helipads Compatible)" in JSGME.  The compatible Master mod integrates changes from both mods, and must be installed over Upuaut's mod in order for both mods to work properly.  When prompted, allow JSGME to overwrite the files.

For details on this mod, see
The compatibility is based on Upuaut's mod dated January 5, 2015.

Compatibility with TurboHog's JTAC mod:

TurboHog's JTAC mod for the Ka-50 and Mi-8 adjusts the frequency presets in the Ka-50 and Mi-8, and as such modifies the same files as this mod.  There are two ways to deconflict with the JTAC Mod.

If you install the JTAC mod over this mod, you will still have the ability to change presets in the Mission Editor, but you won't be able to get the custom presets in the Ka-50 or Mi-8.  However, you will be able to play the JTAC enabled missions that use those presets without any further modification.

Likewise, if you install this mod over the JTAC mod, the presets in the Ka-50 and Mi-8 will revert to default, but you can reproduce the custom freqency presets in the mission itself.  This is IMHO a cleaner and more elegant solution, though it requires a bit of preparation.

For details on this mod, see

Most of the credit goes to Imp, whose code was the impetus for this mod.  All follow-on code by Flagrum and myself was derivative.  Flagrum developed the ARK-22 code.  Tarres developed the UH-1 code.  Cibit provided the default frequency list for the R-863 (was all 0 in the Mi-8).

Change Log:

1.0    Initial Release for DCS World 1.2.14
1.1    Added UH-1
1.11    Updated for DCS World 1.2.15
1.2    Added ARK-22
1.3    Improved ARK-22 logic by Flagrum
    Updated for DCS World 1.2.16
1.31    Added compatibility with Upuaut's Cargo & Helipads mod (1/5/15)
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 65.77 Kb
  • Downloaded: 1174
  • Comments: 6
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