General Helicopter Operations

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UH-1H Huey

General Helicopter Operations

Hochgeladen von - mudspike
Datum - 26.06.2014 15:26:54
(not working in later version then DCS 1.2.7. issues with script bugs groups in MP)

This mission is an open freeflight MP scenario, works for SP too. The focus is on civilian operations. For the scenery I chose Gelendzhik and Novorossiysk. with 10 UH-1H & 6 Mi-8MTV2.

For completing tasks you get payed. With F10 you can see the players results. Your saldo is saved during the mission. If you disconnect and return at a later stage your saldo will still be there.

Pickup passengers
They flare if they see you. Land or hover close to a passenger and they will embark. You can pickup max. 3 passengers at at a time then bring them to heliport Madrid.
There are 14 pickup locations.

Cargo transport
Cargo is of random weight and need to be delivered at the big hanger on either airport. Stay with your cargo untill rewarded. Cargo from farther pays better.
There are 18 slingload locations

Find stolen vehicles
They have an ARC FM beacon and spawn random on the map. Follow them closely to get your reward.

Meeting point
From here you can organize a group flight (or fly solo) and you receive a bonus if you fly from the meeting point to Krymsk.

All objects are spawned by the script and deleted when no longer needed. All should syncronize properly online but works in single player aswell.

forum thread:

The mission is made with one initialization script, a few triggerMarkers and a few helicopters placed with the ED mission editor. If you like to make your own scenario it is supposed to be easy and self explanatory. I've added the script and a tutorial for DIY.
  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Weitergabe untersagt
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Größe: 500.74 Kb
  • Geladen: 3150
  • Kommentare: 3
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