1.2.8 Mi-8MTV2 and UH-1H TOOTALL v3.2 - GA flights and SAR training mission (MP/SP)

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1.2.8 Mi-8MTV2 and UH-1H TOOTALL v3.2 - GA flights and SAR training mission (MP/SP)

Hochgeladen von - airwar
Datum - 10.08.2013 11:26:55
Mi-8MTV2(10) and UH-1H(15) General Aviation flights (ATIS, ICAO Flight plan, long flight, ADF/CDI navigation, NO weapons, CTTS script v1.04). TOOTALL company Flight Book and mission navigation map included. You could Load/Unload and transport Troops and different Cargo. For SAR Training you have 40 SAR Teams in a 40 different locations, 20 for Mi-8MTV2 and 20 for UH-1H.

Based on this mission, make your own GA or Combat mission.

Read briefing - 31 images.
Read Mi-8MTV2 and UH-1H manual how to use ADF, CDI, VHF, FM equipment.

Video Mi-8MTV2,  how to use ARC-9 and ARC-UD, SAR:

Video Mi-8MTV2,  how to use ARC-9 and DOPPLER SYSTEM (ДИСС-15), MEDEVAC:

Video Mi-8MTV2, how to use R-828:

Video UH-1H, how to use AN/ARN-83 (ADF) and AN/ARC-131 (FM), SAR:

ATIS (UGKO)  - 132.0 MHz (VHF). Radio transmission starts after 45 seconds.

Custom NDB with Morse code (CTTS v 1.04)
UH-1H / Mi-8MTV2 (ARC-9) - ADF/NDB Navigation Georgia:
BT - 353 kHz (Ali)
LU - 430 kHz (Batumi)
DF - 520 kHz (Mukharani)
VP - 342 kHz (Tbilisi)
TIG - 477 kHz (Kutaisi)
UY - 842 kHz (Kutaisi)
TI -156 kHz (Senaki-Kolkhi)
I - 229 kHz (Senaki-Kolkhi)
KT - 870 kHz (Kobuletti)
T- 490 kHz (Kobuletti)

UH-1H (CDI/FM) / Mi-8MTV2 (ADF/NDB):
LZ ALPHA - 30.1 MHz (AAA) / ARC-9 - 1100 kHz
LZ BRAVO - 30.2 MHz (BBB) / ARC-9 - 1120 kHz
LZ CHARLIE - 30.3 MHz (CCC) / ARC-9 - 1140 kHz
LZ DELTA - 30.4 MHz (DDD) / ARC-9 - 1160 kHz
LZ ECHO - 30.5Mhz(EEE) / ARC-9 - 1180 kHz
LZ GULF - 30.0 MHz (GGG)
LZ QUEBEC - 40.0 MHz (QQQ) / ARC-9 - 900 kHz
HOSPITAL - 50.5 MHz (1WT) / ARC-9 - 990 kHz

SAR PLB - 40.6 MHz (SOS) / ARC-UD (UHF/ДЦВ): Ch 1
FM Radio Station Gori - 60.2 MHz. Radio transmission starts after 2 min 30 seconds.
  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Freie Weitergabe
  • Sprache: Alle Sprachen
  • Größe: 20.17 Mb
  • Geladen: 3548
  • Kommentare: 30
Tags: Mi-8MTV2, UH-1H