M2000C Refuel and ILS Landing Training

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M2000C Refuel and ILS Landing Training

Hochgeladen von - Delga
Datum - 13.01.2019 16:21:14
700kg fuel left with KC-130 Tanker a few miles away, also due to the low visibility(1500ft) it's a perfect chance to practice ILS landing with the HUD synthetic runway after refueling

Mission Briefing:<br />
You're BINGO (with only 700kg of fuel) and 214nm away from your landing spot. Luckly for you texaco251 is in refueling asigment at 10000ft and just a few miles away from you. Your original asigment was to attack russian ships near Novorossiysk but due to the bad weather you might want to go straight to the airport after refueling, it's a good chance to practice low visibilty landings using ILS approach and the syntetic runway. In case you want to try going after the ships go for WP1 if you want to go straight to Sochi change to WP2<br />
<br />
Tanker:<br />
Texaco251--------TACAN: X1-------COM: 251MHz (Channel 1 both green and red radio)<br />
<br />
Airfield:<br />
Sochi-Adler-------WP2---------ILS:111.10MHz--------TWR: 127.00MHz(CH2 Green)<br />
<br />
Weather: <br />
Thunderstorm, clouds between 10800ft and 13800ft<br />
Fog from ground level to 3000ft with visibility of 1500ft <br />
<br />
Lodout: 4x Belouga bombs, 72x Matra 155 rockets, full cannon ammo.<br />
<br />
Note: Remember to tune TACAN to channel x1 and sel ect A/A mode so you can find the tanker. If you keep 30000ft until you are really close to the tanker, you'll spend less full than if you descent to 10000 and then reach the tanker.<br />
After refueling you should change to WP2 and go to Sochi, remember to tune ILS to 111.10MHz since the visibility is only 1500ft. When you are 10nm away fr om the airport and you're line up with the runway you should see the synthetic runway on your HUD. You should jettison all your weapons before landing, so you don't exceed max. landing weight
  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Freie Weitergabe
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Größe: 8.61 Kb
  • Geladen: 1338
  • Kommentare: 4