USN HSC-3 Merlins (fictional) for Mi-8 version 1.1

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USN HSC-3 Merlins (fictional) for Mi-8 version 1.1

Typ - Anstrich
Hochgeladen von - gospadin
Datum - 11.11.2015 06:23:04
This download contains three fictional liveries for the Mi-8MTV2, based on the MH-60/HH-60H helicopters flown by the United States Navy's Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron Three (HSC-3), known as the Merlins.

The three liveries include a tactical variation for deployment in a combat zone, a search and rescue (SAR) variation for operations outside of combat, and the 1950s Heritage paint scheme.

This mod installs with JSGME, simply copy the folder into your _MODS directory.

Update version 1.1:

Now contains three liveries:

- HSC-3 Tactical
- HSC-3 Heritage 1950

Fixes:  Added gloss spec maps for the non-tactical skins, tweaked the placement of a few decals, added the Heritage livery, and updated the orange regions on the SAR livery.
  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Freie Weitergabe
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Größe: 29.45 Mb
  • Geladen: 1654
  • Kommentare: 0
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