A-10C Chikola Night Hunt

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A-10C Chikola Night Hunt

Hochgeladen von - ZoomBoy27
Datum - 05.09.2011 23:43:47
A-10C Single Player Mission - Taking place at night - searching in the dark
2 versions - Runway and Ramp-start

After the town of Chikola was taken by American forces, the remaining enemy Russian forces are making their escape to the west.

Primary Objectives: Track down escaping enemy forces. They are most likely fleeing down a valley west of Chikola heading to Tashly-Tala. Lesken to the north is also a possible refuge for them

It is a night mission with no JTAC support
There are 2 versions - one has a Ramp-start and the other a Runway start
Good replayability with good randomness
  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Freie Weitergabe
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Größe: 964 Kb
  • Geladen: 2668
  • Kommentare: 0
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