USAF F-51K Mustang (Vietnam Era)

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P-51D Mustang

USAF F-51K Mustang (Vietnam Era)

Typ - Anstrich
Hochgeladen von - nhenley85
Datum - 27.10.2014 05:31:44
One skin for DCS: P-51D.

Southeast Asia (Vietnam Era) Camo Scheme.

After WWII, the famous P-51 was renamed "F-51".  Some F-51K's served with the USAF all the way into the Vietnam War in the late 60's, flying CAS and RECON missions in support of missions in Vietnam and Cambodia.

Before I found this out, my virtual unit had already been using the P-51D as Sandys, simulating the A-1H Skyraider for CAS in our Vietnam era Huey missions.  After some research, I found this to actually be historically accurate.  Also, my next door neighbor was an A-1H and F-51K mechanic in the USAF.  He worked on The Skyraiders and Mustangs during his tour in Vietnam in 1967.  The aircraft he maintained were providing support for rescuing downed US pilots in Vietnam and Cambodia.  The Skyraider was the most famous and was more widely used, but there were some 51's used as Sandys in Vietnam.  Pretty neat if you ask me ;)

Thanks and enjoy!!!
  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Freie Weitergabe
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Größe: 10.35 Mb
  • Geladen: 2073
  • Kommentare: 10