Adaptation of a scheme He111 for An30M and to increase realism in WWII missions within DCSW Esquema estándar para el An30M, descomprimir el archivo en Bazar/Liveries/An-30M. El esquema aparece para Ucrania (He111i) Skin Spanish DCS: World Other Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution 847
日期: 01/11/2015
Adaptation of a scheme He111 for An30M and to increase realism in WWII missions within DCSW Scheme standard for An30M, unzip the file Bazar / Liveries / An-30M. The scheme appears to Ukraine (He111v) Skin Spanish DCS: World Other Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution 851
日期: 01/11/2015
Desertico Scheme for An30M, similar to that used by He111 Scheme desert for An30M, unzip the file Bazar / Liveries / An-30M. The scheme appears to Ukraine Skin Spanish DCS: World Other Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution 889
日期: 01/11/2015

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