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DCS - 04.02.2025
DCS - 19.01.2025
DCS - 23.12.2024
DCS - 10.12.2024
DCS - 03.12.2024
DCS - 04.11.2024
DCS - 01.11.2024
DCS - 29.10.2024
DCS - 14.10.2024
DCS - 01.10.2024
DCS - 29.09.2024
DCS - 19.08.2024
DCS - 13.08.2024
DCS - 08.08.2024
DCS - 21.07.2024
DCS - 10.07.2024
DCS - 04.06.2024
DCS - 21.05.2024
DCS - 02.05.2024
DCS - 14.04.2024
DCS - 09.04.2024
DCS - 21.02.2024
DCS - 28.05.2020
DCS - 12.04.2020
DCS - 23.12.2019
DCS - 15.11.2019
DCS - 10.09.2019
DCS - 26.08.2019
DCS - 10.07.2019
DCS - 26.06.2019
DCS - 15.05.2019
DCS - 03.04.2019
DCS - 20.02.2019
DCS - 06.02.2019
DCS - 25.01.2019
DCS - 12.12.2018
DCS - 31.10.2018
DCS - 17.10.2018
DCS - 29.09.2018
DCS - 19.09.2018
DCS - 07.09.2018
Introduced F/A-18C Aggressors BFM campaign by Maple Flag
Introduced Bf 109 K-4 Jagdflieger Campaign by Reflected Simulation

DCS World
  • AI Wingmen will no longer call out “Tally Bandit” if bandits are within 4km of each other, this is to cut down on the number of “Tally Bandit” calls.
  • Scripting Engine. Function coalition.getAllCargos and coalition.getStaticObjects corrected.
  • Bug with misaligned yellow boxes in tutorial missions is fixed.
  • Corrected Stinger MANPADS guidance.
  • Fixed bug when aircraft with Search Then Engage task attack Air Defenses when Air Defense checkboxes are unchecked.
  • Corrected Linebacker and Avenger SAMs exceeding elevation of missile trajectory that could cause a miss on low level targets.
  • Redesign of the Mission Editor MAP, SAT, ALT buttons in bottom information bar.
  • Time setting fields restored in the AVI recording panel.
  • In the Mission Editor, when LATE ACTIVATION is unchecked - VISIBLE bef. ACTIVATION checkbox will be grayed-out (disabled).
  • Reworked Audio Settings volume sliders sensitivity. ’World’ slider now only affects external views.
  • Stinger and Igla manpad missiles. Corrected guidance logic and the motor and booster data.
  • AGM-88 HARM will now update emitter tracking while the missile is in flight for better accuracy against slow-moving targets.
  • Improved the AGM-84E Harpoon launch effects.
  • MP. SSE. Dynamically spawned and hidden units will no longer be visible to clients.
  • MP. Serverlist: Fixed only 16 symbols being visible in the server player names.
  • MP. JTAC will now respond to all wingmen, not just the group lead.
  • Encyclopedia. Fixed KDO mod.40.
  • Fixed ground unit AI sometimes getting stuck on a bridge if the terrain leading up to the bridge is above it.
  • SSE: Corrected Unit.getPosition() function.
  • Fixed incorrect behavior of aircraft AI on the carrier deck if you give control to AI (takeoff from parking).
  • PAI : AV-8B AI will landing to deck vertically, not as conventional aircraft.
  • AGM-154A now corrected for wind conditions
  • Increased draw distance of static objects to compare to AI/Player objects
  • Increased draw distances of Map objects
  • Kuznetsov carrier. The AI aircraft will takeoff with the “takeoff from ramp” (parking hot) type of start.
  • Su-34. Default payload with X-59M displayed incorrectly in simulation fixed.
  • DCS can be closed by pressing Close window in taskbar.
  • The render distance of the static objects in the optics devices is adjusted.
  • F10 map view will not show a small caliber shells.
  • ME. When you copy and paste a group with EPLRS tasking the group Id tied to the task will be changing.
  • ME: column width in units list saved between sessions
  • ME: read only mission doesn't corrupted now when user attempts to save them
  • SSE. world.getMarkPanels is returning correctly.
  • CAP-9M adjusted mass and drag index.
  • Logbook. Fixed A-A kills scoring issue.
  • Tasks ‘Follow’ and ‘Escort’ can be performed now at the ‘Takeoff’ waypoint
  • Fixed mass and type of the double rockets payloads (player’s A/C no more makes unexpected roll after rockets launch, rockets in twin payloads can be launched in salvo mode)

  • HUD TD box now shows a hemisphere over it when both ownship and donor classify a contact as friendly.
  • Extending the landing gear after a belly landing will no longer cause an explosion.
  • Fixed loss of Gun use after firing off all Mavericks.
  • Zuni Rockets no longer pause after every 4 rockets.
  • Hydra Rockets no longer stop firing after 4 rockets.
  • PLID & STEP functions have been added to the SA Page - Currently WIP.
  • INTERVAL BOMBING in AUTO & CCIP modes has been fixed.
  • Wing fold function removed from auto start sequence on CV.
  • Pilot kneeboard is now functional.
  • Corrected NVG graphics artifacts.
  • The initial release of the AA/ANQ-28 Litening Targeting Pod (WIP). Other modes like air-to-air mode, INR tracking, additional HUD symbology, and slave to target point, and other functions will be added later in early access.
  • STEP data now matches Radar Data for a selected target.
  • SA page STEP marker doesn't pass through all displayed contacts - fixed
  • SA page EXPAND option added
  • JDAM TOO mode does not respect WPTs loaded as TOO MSN 1 or TOO MSN 2 - fixed
  • Radar shows target as hostile even if DL and NTCR are turned off - fixed
  • Fixed a crash that could happen when trying to restart AUTO at the end of a WP route.
  • Fixed disabling AUTO in mid-route could break AUTO sequence.
  • TDC movement now shuts off STEP.
  • Radar altimeter is now set correctly at zero before Hornet start-up.
  • Updated the Hornet Guide.
  • Fixed CTD when setting bomb interval.
  • Added work-in-progress AGM-84D Harpoon in BOL mode (for single player first)
  • AGM-65F IR Option WHT/BLK now only changes proper elements and not entire screen
  • TGP FOV no longer changes when MAV is selected and on screen
  • FLIR - LTD/R - LST Key Assignments now available in Options
  • EXPAND will close when target is lost
  • EXPAND will not affect the Radar causing loss of targets
  • SCS Depress no longer controls Point/Area Track selection
  • Added Litening Pod to centerline station in single missions.
  • Laser latch function works in different way randomly fixed.
  • AGM-65F will be possible to fire when if it's slaved by pod.
  • TGP Zoom will not controls Radar elevation in FLIR page.
  • Added input commands for FLIR, LTD/R, LST/NFLR switches.
  • Digital Map: electric circuit, TV screen condition for camera fixed.
  • Moving map fixed after GPS warmed up.
  • FLIR polarity switch no longer effects Maverick picture

DCS: Bf-109K-4
  • Fixed the MW50 gauge animation.
  • Ammunition counters are now pre-set.
  • Ammunition counter dials now work with assigned axis.

DCS Fw 190 D-9
  • Asymmetric loadouts are prohibited.
  • Fixed artificial horizon not being powered.
  • Turn indicator working again

DCS Fw 190 A-8
  • Adjusted gun sight glass tint.
  • Increase/Decrease RPM Mouse Tips in wrong place was removed.
  • Control stick connectors and lamp intensity animation added.
  • Clock connectors and animation corrected.
  • Added animation for the CB covers.
  • Light animation tuned. CockpitLocalPoint coordinates, cockpit external geometry edited.

  • Corrected training missions (no longer stuck while waiting for user response).
  • A-10C LWS could not see other aircraft lasers from more than 3-4 km; this has been increased to 10 km.
  • Crash when user changed TAD profile after cold start fixed

  • Throttles step movement input commands will work.

  • Fixed odd yawing behavior over 300 knots.

  • Better shadow bias and sampling.
  • Increased shadow map resolution on high option.
  • Optimizing bias for terrain shadow map.
  • Adaptive splitting of shadow cascade for camera near and cockpit view, optimized shadow map sampling.

DCS WWII Assets Pack
  • KDO.G.40 corrected.

DCS Yak-52
  • Some gauges appear to stay dark even in sunlight - fixed.

Combined Arms
  • Units will no longer fire unless they have a direct line of sight to the commanded target.
  • Adjusted the sound volume of the Igla MANPAD.

  • DCS BS2 Republic: Minor changes in 05 mission
  • P-51D High Stakes Campaign: 10th - targets moved to clearings, 9-th - oil tanks replaced.
  • A-10C BFT Campaign by Maple Flag. Mission BFT09 - Updated pattern altitude trigger.
  • FC3: F-15C campaign. Added missing voice-over to mission 00. Adjusted success criteria for mission 03 to be less restrictive.

DCS F-14B by Heatblur Simulations
  • Slightly increased G at which wing structural failure will occur
  • Adjusted pitch moments for flaps, speedbrake and power
  • Adjusted yaw damping with flaps down
  • Fixed wing sweep program indicator in bomb mode
  • Bomb mode now doesn't stick
  • ASH better handles spawn heading errors on carrier
  • Fixed INS drift due to DCS reporting different aircraft heading before and after spawn.
  • Fixed ASH wrong wind calculations, fixes bomb fall line inaccuracy at high wind speeds.
  • Installed anti-lag filter in the INS alignment routines - should reduce INS drift from lags.
  • Fixed afterburners being invisible - pending further improvement
  • Fixed invisible RIO DDD lights
  • Fixed invisible TID HCU lights

  • CTD when entering a new waypoint bug fix.
  • INS Stuck on invalid steerpoint bug fix.
  • EHSD not clearing after un-designating a target bug fix.
  • EHSD does not display range to waypoint bug fix.
  • EHSD Waypoint numbering corrected when using SEQ bug fix.
  • Kneeboard now displays the AWLS channel list.
  • RWR Codes updated to include J-11A and F-14B.
  • TPOD Slave bug fix (Known issue it will not track moving vehicles locked by the DMT).
  • Kneeboard update: Target points 1 to 4 display (WiP).

DCS M-2000c by RAZBAM
  • PCA/HUD logic modified.
  • Master Arm functionality modified.
  • MAGIC and CAN (AA guns) can only be selected by HOTAS.
  • Special modes switch functionality modified.
  • RWR Codes updated to include J-11A and F-14B.
  • Please see notes in ED Forums to learn about new PCA/HUD logic
  • Disabled keyboard input file bug fix.
  • MAGIC Select/Visor Down bug fix.
  • MAGIC Select improved.
  • Specific HUD page for POL.
  • POL behaviour fixed.

DCS AJS-37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations
  • Reduced probability Rb15s fired in random group mode will target the same ship.
  • Removed invalid error-warning in dcs.log output.
  • Fixed ARAK rocket pods causing destructive aircraft roll

DCS C-101 by AvioDev
  • Added pitch trim indicator light operation (it was previously working trim light test only, now the light illuminates also when trimming, via normal or emergency trimming, front and rear cockpit). (C-101EB and C-101CC).
  • Added functionality of ADI DH light to both front and rear cockpit (it illuminates now when a/c altitude is below decision height).
  • GA light in rear cockpit ADI illuminates now as well (previously only front cockpit GA light was operative).
  • Partially fixed multicrew sync for canopies.
  • Fixed rear map box cover, now it doesn't open when activating rear canopy jettisoning lever.
  • Further work on multicrew sync for canopies, will be totally fixed in the next update.
  • Completed multicrew canopies synchronization (fixed pending bugs).
  • Fixed multicrew canopies initial synchronization at cold start, and when 2nd pilot enters the aircraft (any seat).
  • Fixed canopies animation jitter when observed from another station in multicrew aircraft (external views only).
  • Partially opened canopy (canopy closed with locking lever in forward position, which means canopy won't close completely) is visible now in other station (client or server).

Known issues:
  • Trees shadows quality is degraded
  • F/A-18C: Client aircraft doesn't show in MSI in radar page
