RNLAF 303 Sqn Search and Resque (SAR) R-01, R-02, R-03 and fictional R-04.

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RNLAF 303 Sqn Search and Resque (SAR) R-01, R-02, R-03 and fictional R-04.

类型 - 涂装
上传者 - WineNB
日期 - 2014-04-04 14:51:33
Updated skinpack, I edited the description file and the used spec files are for optimum display.

The Tail Spec texture file is an updated version of the uh1_tail_spec file which was included in the Ace Combat 4, Independent State Allied Forces UH-1H skinpack by TheMrSir46.
So, credits for the spec files go to TheMrSir46.

RNLAF 303 Sqn Search and Resque (SAR) R-01, R-02, R-03 and fictional R-04.
Updated version of SkinDate - 04/05/2014

Fictional Huey's ( AB 214SP in real life ) of the RNLAF 303 Search and Rescue Squadron.
The RNLAF AB-412SP is in service since the beginning of 1994, they replaced the Alouette III’s.
Because of the yellow color, the relative of the Huey is tender nicknamed “Tweety”!
At the end of 2014 the AB 214SP’s were taken out of service and relieved by the Royal Navy NH-90 helicopters.

The pilots have customized helmet textures as well as the squadron patches.
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 49.74 Mb
  • 下载数: 1492
  • 评论: 3
标签: SAR, 303Sqn, RNLAF