Insurgent Attack

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锁定: 怒火危崖 2

Insurgent Attack

类型 - 单机任务
上传者 - DarkFire
日期 - 2010-09-30 23:52:26
A simple mission designed for solo play. You fly the Su-25T and are tasked with the elimination of a small insurgent base. I largely created this to learn how to use the mission editor, but it's a nice little mission with which to practice accurate low-level ordnance delivery.

One problem - I produced some nice maps for the briefing but I can't seem to get them to work. If you've had any success doing this could you email me at & let me know how? Thanks...

Intelligence indicates that a high-value insurgent leader will be visiting a small encampment this morning. You and your wingman are tasked with eliminating a heavy AA/AG machine gun installation. Following your strike a Spetsnaz team will sweep the camp and eliminate any insurgent presence.
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 7.84 Kb
  • 下载数: 2928
  • 评论: 1