Reshade VR Enhancer Mod (VREM)

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DCS World 2.9

Reshade VR Enhancer Mod (VREM)

类型 - 插件
上传者 - lefuneste01
日期 - 2019-05-28 09:09:31
This mod provides the following features for VR users
• Label masking by cockpit frame
• Enhancement of cockpit and outside colors
• Sharpen filter for cockpit
• Atmosphere haze reduction
• Debanding for sea and sky
• A10C instrument reflection can be suppressed
• Rotor hiding
• AH64: TADS mirror desactivation in IHADSS, IHADSS convergence setting for boresighting, left eye disablig
• NS430: workaround to display screen in a fixed place that can be setup

What is VREM ?

Reshade VREM is a reshade add-on that gives some improvement for VR users (even if most of them are working in 2D).

It is the “sun” of the 3Dmigoto mod, as the library is no longer working with openXR.

It provides the following features:

    Label masking by cockpit frame
    Reflection on A10C instrument  glass can be suppressed  
    Atmosphere haze reduction
    Enhancement of cockpit and outside colors  
    Sharpen filter for cockpit
    Debanding for sea and sky
    Own rotor hiding in cockpit view to avoir issue with reprojection (other rotor still visible)
    AH64: TADS/PNVS video desactivation/activation  in IHADSS,  IHADSS convergence setting for boresighting, left eye disablig
    NS430: workaround to display screen in a fixed place that can be setup
    Settings can be saved

It is IC compatible, as no game files are modified. It should be compliant with any other reshade usage or addon.

It may eat some fps, but I did not have any reliable fps measurement tool working with the Varjo…

Download and install the reshade version with full add_on support ( Reshade must be installed for each version of DCS (ST or MT) you are using.

Download the mod from here (to be upd ated) :

Install the mod in DCS folders

It is best to use Jsgme or Ovgme (the provided zip is compliant with them) but otherwise:

    unzip the mod package
    copy the “bin” and “bin-mt” folders (that are in the mod folder) into the DCS installation directory. You should have a file “reshade DCS VREM.addon64” and a folder “shaderreplace” in the folders in which DCS.exe is.

It is best to use Jsgme or Ovgme (the provided zip is compliant with them) but otherwise:

    delete “reshade DCS VREM.addon64” and the  folder “shaderreplace” in the folders “bin” and “bin-mt” of DCS installation

Using the mod
    Options are toggled or se t up by using the reshade settings. Press the “home” key to open the option windows and then go to “addon” tab. Untick the options “Generic Depth” and “Effect Runtime Sync” if you are not using them.
    Ensure “DCS VREM” is ticked.
    Settings sections are collapsed by default, you just have to open them to access options..
    Do not forget to save your settings !

Unfortunately, the option windows can only be seen in the 2D mirror view, and most effects can only be seen in the VR view ! So you will have to play between 2D and VR view for setting up color, sharpen, deband…

Supported settings

    I did testing only for 2D and with Varjo Aero for VR, which is using quad views.. Things should work for other VR helmet, but who knows !

    MSAA4x not supported, other AA should work.

    I tested the mod only in the following configuration, it is likely some options will break some mod features. Especially cockpit illumination, supersampling,...Please report here if you test them. But, due to the amount of work for doing and testing, it is likely I will not add them in the mod support.

Known issues

The "rotor hide" option is also hiding the basket of the tanker when doing air refueling.


The mod is using code from




Once again, thanks for helping me in the reshade Discord, without their kind answers to my stupid question, nothing would have been possible !

Sharpen algorithm and lot of code for it taken from here :

FXAA algorithm and lot of code for it taken from here :
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 任何语言
  • 大小: 404.5 Kb
  • 下载数: 7482
  • 评论: 10