F/A-18C Printable A5 Normal Checklist based on the NATOPS document v1.2

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F/A-18C Printable A5 Normal Checklist based on the NATOPS document v1.2

类型 - 文档
上传者 - Runibl
日期 - 2018-06-04 14:59:34
Printable A5 size checklist for the DCS F/A-18C. Based on the NATOPS document.
From interior checks, startup to landing and shutdown.

Printable A5 size checklist for the DCS F/A-18C. Based on the NATOPS document.
Interior checks & startup to landing & shutdown.

Update v1.2: Added a few items, and general improvements and fixes.
This is based on the NATOPS document, and as such, some items may not be applicable or working in the DCS aircraft.

Slight Update: Nothing changed, only added the original editable file as well, as is. File format: ODT, made witch Open Office Calc v4.1.5.
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 966.17 Kb
  • 下载数: 9616
  • 评论: 2