no vis ILS landing

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DCS: World 2.0

no vis ILS landing

类型 - 单机任务
上传者 - HammerPavel
日期 - 2016-06-01 04:57:40
there are three missions in the package
normal (for when you just wanna remember how things go)
no vis
just follow waypoints or TACAN and use ILS when in-range

hard (a challange)
no vis
use waypoints or TACANto get in-range for ILS. dont be afraid to use autopilot. only trim for your payload. wind directions change depending on the altitude.

suicide (a really hard challange. but if you're used to(or want to get used to) getting completely ruined planes home this is the worst case system wise)
no vis
no sas
no hud
no airspeed
no clock
no MFCD's
no tacan
no TGP
no radios
no EGI
the only "valid" tactic would be to dip below the clouds and VFR it

there are three missions in the package
normal (for when you just wanna remember how things go)
no vis
just follow waypoints or TACAN and use ILS when in-range

hard (a challange)
no vis
use waypoints or TACANto get in-range for ILS. dont be afraid to use autopilot. only trim for your payload. wind directions change depending on the altitude.

suicide (a really hard challange. but if you're used to(or want to get used to) getting completely ruined planes home this is the worst case system wise)
no vis
no sas
no hud
no airspeed
no clock
no MFCD's
no tacan
no TGP
no radios
no EGI
the only "valid" tactic would be to dip below the clouds and VFR it
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 749.1 Kb
  • 下载数: 1557
  • 评论: 0