Fixed mission-10 of the Su-27 "Spring Tempest" campaign for LOFC2

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Fixed mission-10 of the Su-27 "Spring Tempest" campaign for LOFC2

类型 - 单机任务
上传者 - EvilBivol-1
日期 - 2010-08-10 11:20:05
This is a fixed version of the final mission of the "Spring Tempest" Su-27 campaign for LOFC2.

Download this mission file directly into the .. .\Missions\Campaigns\LOP\en folder.

You can download the original campaign here:
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 俄文
  • 大小: 498.22 Kb
  • 下载数: 2231
  • 评论: 0
标签: missions, campaigns