Capt Zeen P-51D and TF-51D Helios Proflies

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Capt Zeen P-51D and TF-51D Helios Proflies

类型 - Device Profiles
上传者 - Capt Zeen
日期 - 2015-03-30 16:53:53
Helios profiles for the P-51D and TF-51D.

For this profile i exported Radio Indicator Compass, Ias, clock, suction indicator, manifold pressure, altimeter, gyroheading, Flight Indicator ADI, Horizont caged,
coolant temp, rpm, carburator temp, oil temp, oil press, fuelpress, Gmeter, Gmax and Gmin, VVI, sweep ball, turn needle, back radar light, landing safe light,
landing unsafe light, high blower light, oxigen flow, oxigen press, hydraulic press, Anmeter, left tank fuel, fuselaje tank fuel, right tank fuel,
rokets counter and all vhf radio lights and buttons.

I also included switches and buttons for the front Dash, right panel, weapons panel, fuel panel,  K-14 gunsight selector-dimmer panel and the VHF radio.
For the first time, i made four different profiles aspect ratios: v1.0 for 16:10 monitors, v1.0b for 16:9 monitors, v1.0c for 5:4 monitors and v1.0d for 4:3 monitors.

5 diferent setups for spanish QWERTY, english QWERTY, italian QWERTY, german QWERTZ and french AZERTY

Using similar techniques i used before width the F-15C profile, i managed to send more than 40 values from DCS to helios using just the FC2 interface.
In the future i want to create a new interface for Helios that cover all the clickable data, but for now, i use the FC2 profile to export as many data as posible.

For this profile i exported Radio Indicator Compass, Ias, clock, suction indicator, manifold pressure, altimeter, gyroheading, Flight Indicator ADI, Horizont caged,
coolant temp, rpm, carburator temp, oil temp, oil press, fuelpress, Gmeter, Gmax and Gmin, VVI, sweep ball, turn needle, back radar light, landing safe light,
landing unsafe light, high blower light, oxigen flow, oxigen press, hydraulic press, Anmeter, left tank fuel, fuselaje tank fuel, right tank fuel,
rokets counter and all vhf radio lights and buttons.

I also included switches and buttons for the front Dash, right panel, weapons panel, fuel panel,  K-14 gunsight selector-dimmer panel and the VHF radio.

For the first time, i made four different profiles aspect ratios: v1.0 for 16:10 monitors, v1.0b for 16:9 monitors, v1.0c for 5:4 monitors and v1.0d for 4:3 monitors.

I prepared 5 diferent setups for spanish QWERTY, english QWERTY, italian QWERTY, german QWERTZ and french AZERTY.

I included, aswell, a new keyboard configuration of several switches that don't have a key asigned in DCS, so to enjoy at 100% the profile, you need to configure those keyboard in DCS.

Of course i added the navigation panel from others profiles, so you can check airport charts, tactical maps, ndbs, etc

Visit the web site for more helios profiles:
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 不允许分发
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 41.12 Mb
  • 下载数: 1677
  • 评论: 4