Operation requiem v1.1 (English)

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DCS: World

Operation requiem v1.1 (English)

类型 - 联机任务
上传者 - Exocet92
日期 - 2015-02-16 16:50:26
V1.1 fix spawn bug

UH1 x  4 (2 minimum required)
A10C x  2 (1 minimum required)
KA50 x 2 (1 minimum required)

The South of Russia is threatened by milicias coming from Crimea, since the annexation of it by Russia, armed groups generate tensions in the area.
On August 13th, a helicopter from the NATO has been plugged above Kichmalka. Killing the passenger and one of the pilots.

The "Save Dalton" operation, which consisted in rescue the survivors of a crash was a failure. The town was under milicia's controle, which was heavily equiped with armored troups, AA and hundreds of armed people. The twentyish american soldiers deployed for the operation have entrenched themselves in Kichmalak.

The Requiem operation has been set up in coordination with the russians in order to extract the american soldiers of the town.
The squadron of KA 50 in Mineralnye has been affected to this task.

!!!TGP was voluntarily withdrawn for to match the mission. JTAC  available for laser target!!!
Please, you need learn to use a Jtac laser before try this mission

AI-Jtac can't lase a static object, so Mantis aiming a truck on bridge.
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 不允许分发
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 11.15 Mb
  • 下载数: 721
  • 评论: 0
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