DCS: F-5E Tiger II for DCS World 2.0.3

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29 jul

DCS: F-5E Tiger II for DCS World 2.0.3

This weekend we are releasing the 2.0.3 update to the DCS World 2.0 Early Access, and it will add support for the F-5E. The F-5E has been available for a week and has received rave reviews:








You can read more customer feedback about this amazing Belsimtek module on our discussion forums

The 2.0.3 update also resolves various bugs like taxi errors, and it adds new features for Virtual Reality support.

Note that DCS World 2.0 Early Access only applies to the DCS: NEVADA Test and Training Range map. If you do not own the Nevada map, there is no reason to download DCS World 2.0. However, this weekend is the opportune time to purchase this map.

You can purchase DCS World 2.0 Early Access from DCS site

If you already have DCS World 2.0 Early Access installed, please use the auto Updater by running DCS World 2.0 Early Access. Or, please run Update DCS World 2 OpenAlpha from your Windows Start Menu / All Apps / Eagle Dynamics.

DCS: F-5E Tiger II Screenshot Contest

Following the release of the F-5E last week, we have been seeing many brilliant screenshots. We want to reward those of you creating great screenshots with an F-5E screenshot contest! Please follow the link here to read contest rules and post your entries.

DCS F-5E screenshot contest forum thread

DCS: NEVADA Test and Training Range Map Bonus

The perfect partner for the F-5E is the Nevada map. This weekend we are also offering 60% off the Nevada map using bonus points. You can purchase the map in DCS store

This bonus period will start today at 1500 GMT and last until August 8 at 0900 GMT.

With the new DCS World 2.0 Early Access update, now is the perfect time to fly the skies of Nevada!