DCS: Mi-8 MTV2

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DCS: Mi-8MTV2模组专注于Mi-8MTV2的模拟。作为历史上最广泛生产的直升机之一,Mi-8同时也是世界各地无数作战运输行动和火力支援的老将。而Mi-8MTV2是其升级版本。

在经验丰富的Mi-8飞行员的帮助下,DCS: UH-1H背后的专家团队继续在飞行和系统建模上更上一层楼。

发行: 2016-12-02


The development team was able to record actual Mi-8 audio in the field both inside and outside the cockpit under a variety of conditions specifically for this project. Many custom audio samples of actual Mi-8 sounds were taken in an effort to faithfully represent and immerse the player in the audio environment of the helicopter. Inside and outside the cockpit, the sound environment is filled with handcrafted audio that includes the main rotor, tail rotor, engine components, various cockpit switches and controls, and weapons.

A video of the team's field trip to record Mi-8 audio is available here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQY4TtjK0qk


DCS: Mi-8MTV2 features an accurately reproduced, highly detailed and interactive 3D cockpit with six-degrees-of-freedom ("6DOF") technology that allows the player to move the viewpoint in any direction inside the cockpit space. This means you can not only look up, down, left and right, but also raise or lower your viewpoint, slide to either side, move closer or further from the instrument panel, and even tilt left or right.

Open big picture

The cockpit includes the three standard crew positions of Pilot-Commander in the left seat, Pilot-Navigator in the right seat, and Flight Engineer in the center and slightly back.

Open big picture
Open big picture

Nearly all of the onboard systems of the helicopter are animated and functional, allowing the player to configure the systems in the cockpit by either using the mouse to click on the desired switches and controls or by using keyboard shortcuts that can be mapped to the player's control devices.

For low light/night operations, fully adjustable internal lighting is available and includes two flood lights and a number of panel and instrument light controls.

Cockpit layout

Cockpit layout
  1. Left Side Console
  2. Left Triangular Panel
  3. Left Overhead Console
  4. Left Circuit Breaker Console
  5. Center Overhead Console
  6. Right Circuit Breaker Console
  1. Right Overhead Console
  2. Right Triangular Panel
  3. Right Side Console
  4. Right Rear Console
  5. Right Weapons Control Panel
  6. Left Instrument Panel
  7. Right Instrument Panel
  1. Center Console
  2. Right Auxiliary Panel
  3. Rotor break handle
  4. Collective control
  5. Cyclic control
  6. Pitot tube selector
  7. Anti-torque pedals

Left Instrument Panel (Pilot-Commander)

Left Instrument Panel (Pilot-Commander)
  1. УР-117М (UR-117M) Engine Pressure Radio (EPR) indicator
  2. ИП-21 (IP-21) main rotor pitch angle indicator
  3. ИТЭ-2Т (ITE-2T) two-pointer engine tachometer indicator
  4. ИТЭ-1Т (ITE-1T) main rotor tachometer indicator
  5. УС-450К (US-450K) airspeed indicator
  6. УВ-5M (UV-5M) radar altimeter indicator
  7. ВД-10ВК (VD-10VK) pressure altimeter indicator
  8. ОПБ-1Р (OPB-1R) bomb sight course indicator
  9. УГР-4УК (UGR-4UK) heading indicator
  1. АГБ-3К (AGB-3K) attitude indicator
  2. Hover and low speed control indicator
  3. ВР-30МК (VR-30MK) vertical velocity indicator
  4. БСУП-2К (BSUP-2K) bearing indicator of the АРК-УД (ARK-UD) ADF
  5. Annunciator (inoperative)
  6. ЭУП-53 (EUP-53) turn indicator
  7. "ОТКАЗ 6201" ("6201 FAIL") light
  8. Annunciator panel
  9. 2УТ-6К (2UT-6K) exhaust gas temperature indicator
  10. Annunciator panel

Right instrument panel (Pilot-Navigator)

Right instrument panel (Pilot-Navigator)
  1. УС-450К (US-450K) airspeed indicator
  2. ВД-10ВК (VD-10VK) pressure altimeter indicator
  3. АГБ-3К (AGB-3K) attitude indicator
  4. УГР-4УК (UGR-4UK) heading indicator
  5. ВР-30МК (VR-30MK) vertical velocity indicator
  6. "ДИСС ОТКАЗАЛ" Doppler system fail annunciator
  7. ИТЭ-1Т (ITE-1T) main rotor tachometer indicator
  8. ИТЭ-2Т (ITE-2T) two-pointer engine tachometer indicator
  1. ТВ-1 (TV-1) cabin temperature indicator
  2. ДИСС-15 (DISS-15) Doppler system coordinate indicator
  3. ДИСС-15 (DISS-15) Doppler system ground speed and drift indicator
  4. БЭ-09К (BE-09K) fuel quantity indicator
  5. Low Fuel (270 L) annunciator
  6. П-8УК (P-8UK) fuel meter switch
  7. АЧС-1 (AChS-1) clock

Center Console

Center Console
  1. УИЗ-6 (UIZ-6) main transmission oil temp, intermediate and tail rotor gearbox oil pressure indicator
  2. ТУЭ-48 (TUE-48) main transmission oil temp indicator
  3. УИЗ-3 (UIZ-3) left engine oil pressure and temp indicator
  4. УИЗ-3 (UIZ-3) right engine oil pressure and temp indicator
  5. Annunciator
  6. Annunciator
  7. Р-863 (R-863) VHF radio manual/preset selector
  1. Р-863 (R-863) VHF radio control panel
  2. Р-863 (R-863) VHF radio frequency select panel
  3. Engine governor control panel
  4. Lamp test and electrical system backup switches
  5. АП-34Б (AP-34B) autopilot control panel
  6. БУ-32-1 (BU-32-1) control unit for the СПУУ-52 (SPUU-52) pitch limit system
  7. "СТРУЖКА ГЛ. РЕДУК." Chips in main gearbox light
  8. ИН-4 (IN-4) trim indicator of the automatic flight control system
